Tracking Window gives the ability to set and limit the Pod's degree of rotation through the Pivo Track (from version 1.8.0) application.
Follow these simple steps to activate the feature:
1. Launch Pivo Track app and tap the + button to connect with your Pivo Pod.
2. Tap the Tracking Window Icon to enter the Tracking Window mode.
3. A slider will appear on the screen which can be adjusted by rotating the Pod based on your preferred starting point degree. After adjusting, tap the "Confirm start point" button or press the + button on the Remote Control to confirm the start point.
4. After that, rotate the Pod further and set the end point by tapping the "Confirm end point button". Pressing the + button on the Remote Control will skip the Tracking Window preview page and will automatically start filming videos.
5. Below is the Preview Window. Tap Preview to see the start and end point set during the set up process. To start over again, tap Reset. To continue with this set degree, tap Okay and it'll route you to the video recording page.