Getting Started
First, connect your Pod to your smartphone through the Pivo Play (Pivo Pod) app. See the full article on How to pair your smartphone. Once you've paired your smartphone, the app will open in Capture preview - Video Recording mode. You can change your settings either in the Capture preview by tapping on the icons or by swiping left to see the Mode Settings. To close the Mode Settings, simply click on the icon or swipe right to return to Capture Preview.
In the Capture preview - Video Recording mode, tap this icon at the top left corner, to see the Pod battery percentage, User guide , Remote Control guide , and other settings.
Tracking Settings
To change your settings in Capture Preview, follow these steps:
- Tap on the No Tracking icon and select the Action Tracking icon
- Tap or draw on the screen to mark the target you want to track
To change the settings in Mode Settings, follow these steps:
1. Swipe left to see the Mode Settings
2. Click on the icon or swipe right to return to Capture Preview
To see an explanation of our features, see the article here on Features: Quick Guide.
Use the Timer feature to easily mark yourself as the target no matter if it's the front or back camera.
- Tap on the Timer Off icon to change to Timer On
- Tap or draw on the screen to mark the area where the target will be
- A three-second count will begin once you release your finger from the screen
- Get the target into position
- Pivo will lock onto the target at the end of the three-second countdown
Photo & Video Mode
When in Video Recording mode, simply press the Record button to start shooting. While recording, you can take a screenshot by tapping the button below, pause and record by tapping the button above, or finish recording by pressing the button in the middle.
Tap the Camera button next to the Shutter button to switch to Photo Mode and simply press the Shutter button to take pictures. Tap on the Gallery button, next to the Shutter button, to view the pictures. At the corner of the screen, you can tap on the icons to flip the Camera or turn on your Flash .
Remote Control