On-Screen Position
With On-Screen Position, Pivo will keep you on the left, middle or right side of the screen while you are being tracked. Adjust the position of yourself on the screen to optimize your tracking. With Auto-Alignment, Pivo will automatically adjust the On-Screen Position to left, right of center to always keep you centered. See the article on On-Screen Position for more information.
Smart Capture
For Photo Mode, trigger Pivo by either Voice, Gesture Command, Still Motion or Action Capture. See the article on Smart Capture for more information.
Burst & Rapid
With Burst On, Pivo will take multiple pictures for each shot and let you select the best one. You can choose between 5 or 10 pictures for each shot. If you turn off Burst, Pivo only captures one picture for each shot. Burst shots are ideal if you are moving around and want to capture the best pose! See the article on Burst & Rapid for more information.
Tracking Speed
Adjust the tracking speed and sensitivity for your Pivo here. Pod Lite/Red has 3 tracking speed settings (Slow, Normal, Fast), whereas Pod Silver/Gold/Black has 4 tracking speed settings (Slow, Normal, Fast, Frenzy). Slow is a great option for smoother tracking capabilities, whereas Fast and Frenzy can sharply pick up your every move and change in direction. See the article on Tracking Speed for more information.
Predictive Follow
By activating Predictive Follow, Pivo will try to follow you even when you are out of frame. If you move out of frame, Pivo will continue in the direction you were last moving for a further 40 degrees. This is Pivo predicting where it should follow you. If Pivo cannot track you after 40 degrees, it will stop. Predictive Follow is a great option for when you're looking to move fast and may go out of frame, so Pivo can predict where you'll be no matter where you go. See the article on Predictive Follow for more information.
Target Exposure
After you enable Target Exposure, Pivo will prioritize the exposure of the target being tracked over the background so it's evenly exposed throughout the whole shot. If you're moving in a place with uneven lighting, or in the morning or afternoon where the sun is brighter on one side of the screen, we recommend turning Target Exposure on. With Target Exposure on, the target will be evenly exposed no matter whether the background gets darker or lighter, and Pivo will be able to track it easier. Without Target Exposure enabled, the exposure of the whole shot will be automatically considered and evened out. See the article on Target Exposure for more information.
Auto Zoom
Auto Zoom is a super cool feature that allows Pivo to automatically zoom in and out on the tracking target in Smart Tracking. When you move far away, Pivo will automatically zoom in to make sure you stay at least 10% of the frame in order to continue tracking you at a far distance. The best part is, Pivo will zoom out again as you get closer to your smartphone. You can use Auto Zoom with Smart Tracking, but not Action Tracking. See the article on Auto Zoom for more information.
Note: Pivo's maximum Auto Zoom capacity is up to 4x regardless of the camera specification used with the Pivo application.